As part of the "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan" announced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Department of Labour has launched a massive special sanitation drive involving 'Shram daan' (Community work).
The Labour Commissioner has instructed all District Offices falling under it to draw the plan of activities.
"They are also directed to lead the cleanliness drive in their offices and lay special emphasis on the cleanliness and maintenance. The Commissioner has directed all concerned offices to send a daily progress report along with schedule of the activities. All District offices and Head office of Labour Department will be also cleaned," said a Delhi government official.
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All Employment Exchanges will also undertake public sensitization exercise during this period highlighting the importance of cleanliness.
All district wise trade unions will be actively involved in this Abhiyan.
The District Labour Commissioners will be the nodal officers for monitoring this campaign in their respective districts. Pre and post cleanliness evidence will also be collected by photographs and other means of feedback from public, the official added.