Malayalam actor Mohanlal who received brickbats for his 'flop' show at the 35th National Games inauguration, today refused to take back his remuneration despite Chief Minister Oommen Chandy meeting him personally in a bid to mollify the actor.
Chandy along with state Sports Minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan met Mohanlal at his residence here in an effort to persuade him to take back the Rs 1.63 crore cheque, which he had returned to the government after his programme 'Lalisom' during the national games inauguration was hugely criticised.
However, the peeved actor refused to budge and declined to take back the amount.
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Radhakrishnan later told reporters that Mohanlal had refused to take back the amount as he was "deeply pained" at the controversy generated.
The amount would be utilized suitably by the government after consulting the actor, the minister said.
The Games Secretariat had received a cheque from the actor for the amount yesterday.
Facing criticism from several quarters, the show was dubbed flop by people who alleged that some performers had bluffed viewers by lip-syncing.