Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi today asked RJD and LJP to reconsider their outside support to the UPA government, saying this was for the first time since Independence that the state has faced such "stark discrimination" in the Rail budget.
"Of the 67 new trains announced in the Rail budget today, only six are for Bihar and out of that five are weekly trains," Modi said.
"Of the 136 new tracks, gauge conversion, doubling and electrification announced in the Rail budget, only one is meant for Bihar," Modi, also a BJP leader, said.
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Modi said Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal had said 365 pending projects would be taken up in the 12th Five Year plan. "The fate of over two dozen Railway projects announced by Lalu Prasad for Bihar as minister in UPA I government involving an investment of Rs 40,000 crore hangs in balance," he said.