RJD President Lalu Prasad, touring the Pataliputra constituency has hit out strongly at his former close aide Ramkripal Yadav for joining BJP. Prasad held a public rally at Bikram, 40 km Southwest of capital Patna, late last evening to garner support for RJD candidate and her eldest daughter Misa Bharti.
The rally was followed by a road show in near by Bihta. "He has taken refuge with the communal forces, forgetting everything. He has compromised with the philosophy of social justice and joined those whom he always opposed. The public is not going to forgive him," said Prasad.
This was first visit of the RJD chief to Patliputra constituency in rural Patna after declaration of candidatures of Misa Bharti, his friend-turned-foe Ramkripal Yadav (BJP) and sitting MP Ranjan Yadav (JD-U) for the seat.Fighting a major challenge in her electoral debut, Misa Bharti expressed angry reaction against "uncle" Ramkripal Yadav. "He showed disrespect by not meeting me when I went to his residence in New Delhi to give up my seat for him. I hope the people of Pataliputra will give him a befitting reply for this," she said addressing the meeting with her father Lalu Prasad on the dais.
The public meeting saw Prasad taking recourse to his oft quoted 'secularism versus communal forces' speech.