The Delhi High Court today reserved its order on the bail plea of Vinod Sharma, a former BJP MLA who along with others is facing trial for allegedly killing his brother-in-law and criminal lawyer R K Naseem.
A bench of Justice Sunita Gupta reserved the order after the lawyers for Delhi police crime branch and Sharma, who is in jail since 2010, concluded their arguments.
Naseem, who was the defence lawyer in prominent cases like Uphaar fire case, Jessica Lall murder, Priyadarshini Mattoo rape and murder and Shivani Bhatnagar murder case, was allegedly attacked by brother-in-law Sharma, his son Amit and their employees on January 24, 2010 following some property dispute.
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The lawyer was attacked on his head by Sharma whose son Amit also opened fire, police had said.
The attack on Naseem had triggered a controversy following allegations of mishandling of case by police. The probe was later transferred to the Crime Branch.