Charging Chief Minister Oommen Chandy with shielding former Minister K B Ganesh Kumar, facing allegations of domestic abuse by his wife, just to protect his ministry, CPI-M led LDF Opposition members today staged a walkout from the Assembly, demanding his resignation.
Chandy, while replying to a notice for an adjournment on the issue, rejected the Opposition charge and said the Assembly's time should not be wasted on discussing a family affair.
He pointed out that the matter was now before a family court and it was not proper to discuss the same in the House, following which Speaker G Karthikeyan disallowed leave for the motion, sought to be moved by V S Sunilkumar (CPI).
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Kumar, a nominee of KC-B holding the Forest portfolio, had resigned on April 2 after his wife Yamini filed charges of domestic violence against him.
But Kumar filed a divorce petition in a family court here, charging her with blackmailing and manhandling him.
The Opposition charge was that Chandy had refused to accept Yamini's complaint in the initial stage and gave an opportunity for Kumar to file a petition in the family court ahead of his wife.
Before the walkout, Opposition leader V S Achuthanandan alleged that Chandy has violated the provisions of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act by refusing to accept a complaint from the victim.