Expressing disappointment over Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's remark on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Lt Governor Najeeb Jung today said it does not reflect well on CM's part and leads to "unsavoury" and "avoidable comments" not just within the country, but also overseas.
In his letter to Jung, Kejriwal yesterday alleged that the Lt Governor was working at the "behest" of Prime Minister and that he has made the DCW "completely dysfunctional".
"I must say that the tone of your letter leaves me deeply disappointed. Such inappropriate references vis-a-vis the Prime Minister do not reflect well on the Chief Minister of a Union Territory.
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"Your letter, being in public domain, leads to I speak with a concern about national honour and pride," Jung said in his today's letter to Kejriwal.
In an apparent attack at the PM, Delhi government had yesterday put up posters across Delhi which read, "Prime Minister Sir, Please, let Delhi government work. Delhi government is working fine."
Since the Aam Aadmi Party has come to power, the Arvind Kejriwal government has been 'attacking' BJP-led Central government.
After the brutal murder of a 19-year-old by two youths in Central Delhi's Ananad Prabat area , Kejriwal had on July 18 said, "The law and order situation is deteriorating in Delhi every day. Delhi Police comes under the Prime Minister.
"Either he should do something or Delhi Police should be handed over to the Delhi government."
In April during his rally against Land Acquisition Bill, Kejriwal had accused PM Narendra Modi of running a government for the "super rich".
"The farmers had reposed trust in Narendra Modi and voted him to power. Now they have lost their trust (in the government) within a year," he had said.