He was of the view that long stay at power makes a party overconfident and it starts taking the people for granted, Kumar said at a function after launching 'lohiavahini.Com', a website on Lohia.
It was due to this belief that he mobilized the political forces to dethrone Congress from power in as many as nine states in 1967, the chief minister said.
Lohia's wanted Congress' prolonged rule at the Centre to break and his colleague Jai Prakash Narayan launched a mass movement and fulfilled the former's dream by bringing together different political groups to form the Janata Party that defeated the Congress in 1975 Lok Sabha polls, he said.
The socialist great was also a litterateur and a journalist and helped shape a new generation of scholars and mediapersons with socialist vision and ideology, he said.
Kumar said he too had pursued Lohia's ideology and did his best to give equitable rights to the women and other weaker sections of the society in the power structure at grassroot level.