House proceedings in the Rajya Sabha were disrupted for the second consecutive day over the Opposition sticking to its demand that the minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti who used a swear word to describe the Opposition, be sacked.
Parliamentary Affairs minister Venkiah Naidu’s statement in the house that the apology had been tendered by the minister bringing an end to the matter and that the “Opposition would have to listen to them for the next five years” only ended up inflaming the Opposition. CPM’s Sitaram Yechury reminded the treasury benches “You may have an overwhelming mandate but within the house you have to listen to us (Opposition) also.” He reiterated, “The minister’s apology is tantamount to her accepting her guilt and so a mere apology does not absolve her of the crime.”
Parliamentary Affairs minister Venkiah Naidu’s statement in the house that the apology had been tendered by the minister bringing an end to the matter and that the “Opposition would have to listen to them for the next five years” only ended up inflaming the Opposition. CPM’s Sitaram Yechury reminded the treasury benches “You may have an overwhelming mandate but within the house you have to listen to us (Opposition) also.” He reiterated, “The minister’s apology is tantamount to her accepting her guilt and so a mere apology does not absolve her of the crime.”
Refusing to relent on their demand Opposition members stormed the well of the house and raised slogans , leading to no business being transacted either in the Zero Hour where important matters are taken up for discussion or the Question Hour. House saw several adjournments throughout the morning.
Opposition members raised slogans in the Lok Sabha as well, in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding her removal.
Venkiah Naidu’s statements recalling how “certain minister in the earlier regime had used an expletive for AB Vajpayee and did not apologise and then went onto insult Mulayam Singh Yadav as well; did not cut much ice with the Opposition.
Congress’ Deputy Leader of Opposition Anand Sharma who led the Congress charge, alleged that the minister;s crime was a not just a violation of the constitution but a non- compoundable offence as well. He questioned, “The Prime Minister has been in the Parliament premises and yet he did not bother to come to the house.?”
The government has in the lower house made a statement detailing the PM’s foreign visits.