Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd today said Maamba Collieries Ltd, the step-down subsidiary in Zambia, has synchronised the first 150 MW unit of the 300 MW power plant with the Zambian Grid.
"Maamba Collieries Ltd (MCL)...Has synchronised the first 150 MW Unit of the 300 MW power plant with the Zambian Grid," Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd said in a filing to BSE.
The synchronisation of the second 150 mw unit will follow soon while stabilisation and commercial operations of the two units will be pursued in the coming weeks, the filing said.
Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd (NBV) is a diversified organisation with interests in power generation, ferro alloys, mining and agri-business. The company operates in different geographies spanning across India, South East Asia and Africa.