"Shivaji Maharaj is a god for people of Maharashtra. His memorial is already there at Shivaji Park," MPCC chief Manikrao Thakre said.
"As there is already one memorial in place, there should be no other memorial there," Thakre said, at a media briefing about a party workshop held here today for the 2014 Lok Sabha and assembly elections.
"Nobody will be allowed to take law into hands," Thakre said, in an apparent reference to statements by senior Sena leaders that no one should interfere on the issue.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan had said last week that the government would not do anything in violation of the law with regard to Sena's demand to set up the memorial at Shivaji Park.
Thackeray was cremated at Shivaji Park -- where he had addressed his followers at Dassera rallies for over 40 years -- on November 18.