The Maharashtra government has set up a committee headed by Director General (Prisons) to study if the daily wages for prisoners in the state should be hiked.
The government sought the study as it feels the wages paid to the prisoners for various works undertaken in the state jails are very less compared to other states.
Industries carried out in jails include leather work, carpentry, handicrafts and office stationery. While skilled prisoners are paid Rs 40 per day, semi-skilled and unskilled inmates are paid between Rs 17 to Rs 35.
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The study committee is led by Director General (Prisons) Meeran Borwankar and its members include joint labour commissioner, director of the state industries directorate and the deputy director general of prisons, among others.
Medha Gadgil, Principal Secretary at state Home department, said, "The daily wages for prisoners in the state are not par with wages paid in other states. We felt the need to increase the amount, if required. The committee headed by Borwankar is expected to submit the report soon."
There are 38 jails in Maharashtra, including Arthur Road in Mumbai, Taloja prison in Navi Mumbai, Yerwada in Pune and all are overcrowded to the extent of 32 per cent.
The committee is studying the wages in Tihar jail, Karnataka and Gujarat prisons. In Karnataka jails, skilled prisoners get Rs 80 to Rs 90 on a daily basis while unskilled prisoners get Rs 70 per day.