Mumbai-based RTI activist Anil Galgali today demanded that Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan should publish the Adarsh judicial Commission's report on the Maharashtra government's website and make it public.
"The various facets of the scam will be exposed once the report is made public," Galgali said.
He also expressed surprise over the fact that the state government had not yet prepared a Marathi translation of the report, as is mandatory according to rules of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly. The report was tabled in the house.
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Galgali has written to Chavan and Principal Secretary Bhagwan Sahay, General Administrative Dept (Service), pointing out that as per the rules of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, every report should be prepared in both English and Marathi before being tabled.
The Ram Pradhan Committee report on Mumbai terror attack was prepared in both the languages but now the government had ignored this norm, Galgali said.