The Maharashtra Assembly was adjourned for the day today after members from all parties disrupted proceedings while demanding action against the two police officers who had come to Vidhan Bhawan without authorisation to arrest MLAs, accused of beating a policeman.
The members also demanded that the suspension of five legislators should be revoked.
Girish Bapat (BJP) said unless the two crime branch officers, who had come to Vidhan Bhawan on Wednesday to arrest the MLAs, are not suspended and the suspension of legislators is not revoked, the proceedings of the House cannot be normal.
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"This is injustice to the legislators," he said.
The Lower House saw two adjournments of one hour each before Deputy Speaker Vasant Purke adjourned it for the day.
Except laying of papers related to assurances given on the floor of the House during the debate on grants in Budget session of 2011, no other business was transacted.