The Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad today restrained Sachchidananda Giri, who was given the title of 'Mahamandaleshwar' last week, from visiting the Kumbh Mela at Nasik in the wake of the controversy over his alleged involvement in liquor trade and criminal activities.
"Sachchidanand Giri has been restrained to visit the Nasik Kumbh as a Mahamandaleshwar of the Agni Akhara until he is given a clean chit by the Parishad which is investigating the allegations against him.
"Although there can be no bar on anybody with regard to visiting Kumbh Mela as a lay devotee, for propriety's sake Sachchidanand has been advised to avoid doing so," the Parishad's president Narendra Giri told reporters.
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The development had sparked off a controversy as Dutta was said to be owner of a beer bar in the NCR region and alleged to be named in an FIR lodged in Punjab.