The Maharaja Bir Bikram (MBB) University would start functioning from August this year, state Higher Education Minister Tapan Chakraborty said today.
Governor Tathagata Roy gave his assent to the bill earlier passed by the Assembly and all new infrastructure were built for functioning of the new varsity.
"The Governor has already selected Dr Gautam Basu, the Head of the department of International Relations of Jadavpur University, as the first Vice-Chancellor of the university," he told reporters.
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Tripura's last king Maharaja Birbikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur (1923-1947) had set up Tripura's first degree college in his own name in 1947 and had a plan to set up an university in that premise. The MBB University is being set up in the MBB college premise.
Tripura state university was set up in 1987, which was later elevated to the status of a central university in 2007.
Tripura has now two medical colleges and 22 degree colleges beside many professional and technical institutions.