The 54-year-old director, whose latest animated adventure "Frankenweenie" has some frightening scenes, said that he loved watching monster films when he was young, reported Contactmusic.
"I grew up on horror. I loved monster movies, films they don't show on television nowadays. It never bothered me. I was three, four, five years old watching these movies," Burton said.
However, the filmmaker, who has children Billy, eight, and Nell, four, with partner Helena Bonham Carter, said that he is sometimes shocked by the content of children's stories when he reads with his kids.
"I've always felt kids are their own best barometer of what they can take. My little girl is four and when we read fairytales, even I'm a bit shocked.
"Fairytales are pretty hardcore, but they're also a way of kids exploring things like death without it being too traumatic. What fascinates me more is that parents forget all that," he added.