A crucial meeting between West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, scheduled for this evening, was cancelled at the last minute against the backdrop of her anger over protests by Left activists she faced at the Planning Commission.
Sources said Banerjee sought cancellation of the meeting, saying she was unwell and her blood pressure had dipped.
"Today's meeting has been cancelled. We will ask for a new date to meet the Prime Minister," sources close to Banerjee told PTI.
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Banerjee will be in Delhi till Thursday but no meeting is expected now as the Prime Minister is leaving tomorrow morning for Germany and will return only on Friday night.
Banerjee had earlier said she would demand the "rightful share" for the state from the Prime Minister at this meeting.
"I am going to Delhi to seek justice. ... We want to know why Bengal is deprived. We will also protest against the economic blockade by the Centre," the Chief Minister had said yesterday.