West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today decried the tendency to use violence as a tool of political fight, saying anti-socials were being mobilised to tackle political challenge thrown by Trinamool Congress after failure to do it politically.
Mamata's observation came after BJP state president Rahul Sinha yesterday acknowledged that "recurrence of violence in Parui and Sattore in Birbhum district and several other parts has forced our workers to take up arms in self defence to retaliate against attacks by TMC-aided goons with the help of the police."
The chief minister said, "We all should understand that anti-socials are not an assest. When they can't fight us democratically, they take help of such anti-socials. They use bombs and guns. This is not the proper way to do politics. We have to achieve things through peaceful means."
She also pointd out that those who were against democracy and had no regard for democratic rights took the help of goons.