In a bid to shield the SFI allegedly involved in the assault on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Finance Minister Amit Mitra in the national capital, a CPI(M) leader today said the incident could have been avoided had she paid heed to Delhi police's instruction of using a different gate to enter the Yojna Bhawan in Delhi.
"She didn't pay any heed to the instructions of Delhi police when she was asked to use a different gate meant for VVIPS. She used the gate where protests were going on. Such incident wouldn't have happened if Mamata Banerjee used the specified gate," Gautam Deb said in an interview to a Bengali news channel.
Deb's statement comes in the backdrop of severe criticism that the SFI and the CPI(M) leadership had to face following the heckling and assault on Banerjee and Mitra in Delhi allegedly by the SFI on April 9 over the death of its leader Sudipto Gupta in police custody in Kolkata on April 2.
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The chief minister had subsequently fallen ill and had been admitted to a private hospital from where she was discharged on Saturday after being advised rest for two weeks.
"I cannot understand how a chief minister visiting to Delhi can't listen to the advice of the Delhi police," Deb said.