West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today expressed her happiness that the 'Kanyashree project' launched by her government to prevent girls from being married off at a young age has got international acclaim.
"Bengal's unique Kanyashree Project has received international acclaim. It is indeed a matter of great pride and recognition for our innovative scheme," Banerjee said in a Facebook post.
The Department for International Development, United Kingdom and UNICEF selected the scheme for presentation at the 'Girl Summit 2014' to be held at London, she said.
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The state government was invited to make a presentation of the scheme before a global audience.
"We are proud of our girl child. Their all-round development and well being is of prime importance to us. We are going to celebrate 'Kanyashree Day' on August 14 throughout the state," the chief minister said.
Under the project, girls between the ages of 13 and 18 years, studying in Class VIII to Class XII in an institute affiliated to the state government were eligible for Rs 500 annual stipend.
A one time grant of Rs 25000, for girls between 18 and 19 years was also offered to enable them to pursue higher education or a vocational or sports course in a state-government affiliated institute.