West Bengal Minister Partha Chatterjee today said the recent meeting of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee with top officials of Tata Group companies was an "encouraging step" for investment and hoped that the Tatas will "resolve the grievances" of farmers in Singur.
"It will be nice for them if they resolve the grievances of farmers in Singur as the Tatas stand for the people," Chatterjee, the state's Education Minister and the Secretary General of Trinmool Congress told PTI.
He said the Tatas were contributing to investment in West Bengal with some companies of the group operating in the state.
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In September 2008 during the previous Left Front regime, the Tatas had left Singur and set up their Nano car plant at Sanand in Gujarat following an agitation by the then opposition Trinamool Congress leader Mamata Banerjee over acquisition of land in the area. A case regarding this is pending in the Supreme Court.