A 35-year-old labourer from Boisar in Palghar taluka here was arrested for allegedly raping his physically and mentally challenged niece over the last six months, district rural police said today.
According to PSI, B L Rathod of Boisar police station, accused Vijay Sakharam More, living in Salvad of Dandi Pada has been sexually abusing his brother's 13-year-old daughter since six months. He used to take the girl to his house and assault her, police said quoting the complaint by the victim's mother after she came to know about the crime.
The victim being a handicap, could not resist the assault on her.
Police arrested More last night and charged him under sections 376(2)(F)(I)(J)(L) and (H) and also under sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.