The Bombay High Court has granted anticipatory bail to a man, who has been accused by his wife of sexually abusing their two children.
Granting anticipatory bail in the sum of Rs 15,000, Justice Sadhana Jadhav, last week, directed that accused shall not make any contact with the children, or tamper with the evidence otherwise, and shall report at the police station every Sunday till the charge sheet is filed.
The accused is facing a case against Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act and Indian Penal Code.
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The judge held that there was nothing on record to show that the accused had any contact with his children after November 14, 2012, when the Protection of Children Act came into force, as he had left the family since mid-December, 2012 and in between, he had hardly stayed at home.
The wife's complaint is based on statements of the children who alleged that they were sexually abused. However, the husband's lawyer argued that children had been made scapegoats to satisfy the wife's personal vendetta.
The wife's lawyer alleged that the accused had taken photographs of the children to use them for pornographic purpose, but the court observed that there was nothing on record to suggest commission of offence.
The couple married in 2002 and had two children. The son is at present 9 years old, and the daughter 6 years old.
On April 13, the wife lodged complaint with Byculla police that three years ago, she saw the husband touching the daughter inappropriately, while the boy too told her about similar abuse that he had faced.
She also alleged that she had seen photographs on her husband's e-mail account, which suggested that he was homosexual.