Jammu and Kashmir Education Minister Naeem Akhtar today said a man, who had posted "baseless" and "untrue" information in Facebook about alleged killing of two persons from the minority community during protests in the Valley, will be booked.
He said this while reacting to a Facebook post by Ashok Koul, a Kashmir Pandit.
"According to sources, two Pandits killed in Kashmir at some village. Many Hindu houses burnt. Internet services suspended," Koul wrote in his Facebook post.
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Akhtar, while reacting to the post, said it was "totally untrue and baseless."
"He will be booked under law," he said.
The post was highlighted by human rights activist Khurram Parvez.
"This is how lies are manufactured. Instead of talking about 6 protestors who were killed today by armed forces, Ashok Koul is resorting to lies. Two years ago he also claimed that a Kashmiri Pandit girl was raped in Handwara. Why is police not filing a case against him?" Parvez wrote while sharing Koul's post.
Realising his mistake, Koul wrote another post in which he apologised.
"All dear friends, I beg pardon from entire people of Jammu and Kashmir that I posted many news without verification which proved fake," he said.
"In future, I assure you all that no such news will be posted. Again I beg pardon," Koul added.