The city police launched a manhunt for a gang of four unknown people, who gatecrashed a residential locality in Kalyan's Waldhuni locality and allegedly looted cash as well as ornaments worth around Rs 1.20 lakh, the police said here today.
Senior police D M Katke of the MFC police station in Kalyan told PTI that the gang entered the house of one Nitin Kharde, an electrical shop owner under the pretext of drinking water.
At the time of the incident, only the complainant's ten-year-old son Aryan was in the house.
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As soon as the boy went to the kitchen to fetch water the gang locked the main door from inside, dragged the boy to the bathroom, gagged his mouth and tied him up.
They emptied the cupboard of cash and ornamants worth Rs 1.20 lakh, the police said.
The police has registered offences under Sections 452, 394, 341 read with Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code, even as efforts are on to get more clues to solve the case, the police said.