Northstar, whose human persona is known as Jean-Paul Beaubier, is set to tie the knot with his beau Kyle Jinadu this summer. The story will be told in "Astonishing X-Men", which is due to be released in the US on June 20, reported Aceshowbiz.
"The story of Northstar and Kyle is universal, and at the core of everything I write: a powerful love between two people who have to fight for it against all odds," said 'Astonishing X-Men' writer Marjorie Liu.
"This is the quintessential Marvel story, one that blends the modern world with the fantasy of superheroes in order to tell an exciting story that begins with a wedding and continues in ways you can't imagine," Liu added.
Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Axel Alonso said, "When gay marriage became legal in New York State, it raised obvious questions since most of our heroes reside in New York State.
"Northstar is the first openly gay character in comics and he's been in a longterm relationship with his partner Kyle so the big question was - how would this change his relationship?"
Northstar first revealed he was gay in the pages of "Alpha Flight" No 106 released back in 1992. Their upcoming wedding will mark the first same-sex marriage happens in the Marvel Universe.