Actor Matt Damon, who has had to count calories for years to stay in action hero shape, has vowed his next screen role will be "doughnut friendly".
"For the last two years, Matt has literally had to watch every morsel he put in his mouth. He's admitted to pals that he's sick to death of dieting. He says he wants to find a project where he doesn't have to count every single calorie. And if he can't find a project like that, Matt has said he'll take a break from filming. That's how serious he is," a source said.
The 42-year-old followed a strict diet while filming the Liberace biopic Behind the "Candelabra" and the upcoming sci-fi thriller "Elysium", reported Showbizspy.
"To slim down, Matt ran five miles on the beach every day, cut out carbs and ate a lot of tuna, chicken and almonds. Matt's ready to step back from the hunk roles. He'd much rather eat doughnuts and look like all the other dads picking up their kids at karate class.