In an apparent dig at both BSP and BJP, Congress today said BSP supremo Mayawati can dream of becoming Prime Minister when the likes of Narendra Modi who are "anti-Dalit" can float a balloon for the purpose.
"In this country, each one of 125 crore people has the right to have an ambition to become Prime Minister. Kumari Mayawatiji is an important opposition leader. We may disagree with her on many of her policies and ideologies.
"...But each leader can be aspirational particularly when people like Narendra Modi who are anti-Dalit and anti-Adivasi is floating a balloon... Why should any other person be denied the right to claim a right to any particular public office?" Congress spokesman Randeep Surjewala asked.
He was responding to the BSP supremo's remarks on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti today that Dalits and backwards will not be "misguided" as they want that the girl of their caste becomes the Prime Minister of the country.