Vigilance sleuths today caught red-handed Dr Ram Murty Jha, Medical Officer of Primary Health Centre at Murol in Muzaffarpur while accepting a bribe of Rs 5,000 from a peon.
Vigilance SP Parvez Akhtar said Jha had demanded Rs 6,000 from Sanjay Kumar working as a peon at Kanti PHC to clear his attendance report, which is necessary for the payment of monthly salary.
"Kumar complained to us and we verified it. Jha took Rs 1,000 in advance during the time of verification. A trap team was accordingly set-up and he was caught while accepting the remaining Rs 5,000," said Akhtar.
Jha has been arrested and is being brought to Vigilance police station in Patna for interrogation. He will be produced at Vigilance Court in Muzaffarpur tomorrow.