In the backdrop of a slew of attacks by Naxalites in Kerala recently and the possibility of their trying to use Tamil Nadu as an escape route, top state police officials today reviewed steps to be taken to prevent their possible infiltration from that state.
T K Rajendran, ADGP (law and order), Tamil Nadu, headed the review meet.
The ADGP discussed the steps already taken and what more needs to be done with top police officials, including West Zone IG, K Shankar, Special Task Force IG, Shankar Jiwal, STF SP, Karuppasamy and Nilgiris DIstrict SP, Senthilkumar.
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He also visited six police stations and check posts along the Tamil Nadu-Kerala border and reviewed the preparedness to tackle the Naxal menace, police sources said.
There were a series of attacks by Naxals in Kerala recently.