: With Mumbai Police declining his request to extend the deadline to appear before them on Monday for questioning in connection with the IPL betting scandal,CSK CEO Gurunath Meiyappan will leave for that city by a chartered flight from Madurai today, sources said.
Both Meiyappan and his father-in-law BCCI Chief N Srinivasan, who were spotted in Kodaikanal earlier in the day, would leave by a chartered flight from Madurai.
They would be accompanied by a four-member legal team, the sources said.
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Mumbai police earlier today indicated it would not extend the deadline.
Meiyappan is under the scanner for his proximity to Bollywood actor Vindoo Randhawa, arrested for his alleged association with bookmakers.
Yesterday a four-member team from the Mumbai crime branch had come here looking for Meiyappan and carrying a brief to question him and in case he was not available, deliver summons to him, asking him to appear before the crime branch in Mumbai between 11 AM and 5 PM today.
Since no one was present at his home, a copy of the summons was pasted at his residence and a copy delivered to CSK's office here.