Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar today met the family of Garud Commando Gursewak Singh who was killed in Pathankot terror attack, promising a job to one member and a memorial for the slain soldier.
Khattar along with Health Minister Anil Vij, who represents Ambala Cantt assembly constituency, reached Gursewak's native Garnala village here this morning.
He expressed his condolence to the bereaved family. The Chief Minister assured Gursewak's father Sucha Singh that a job would be provided to any one member of the family.
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He noted that Gursewak came from a family which has a tradition of making contribution to the defence forces as his elder brother Hardeep Singh is in the Army while father Sucha Singh too is an ex-serviceman.
Khattar assured Gursewak's father that the entire country was with them in this hour of grief.
Gursewak had married in November last year.
When reporters asked him about Pathankot terror incident, Khattar said that India was all for peace, "but there are some elements who are against peace initiatives we make and they keep fomenting trouble".
When asked if India should stop having talks with Pakistan in the wake of Pathankot incident, Khattar said that that it was for the Centre to take a call on the matter.
At the same time, he added, Pathankot incident was a serious one and cannot be ignored.