Una recorded a high of 44 deg Celsius, five notches above normal while the state capital Shimla recorded a high of 30.5 deg C, 6.5 deg C above normal.
Sundernagar recorded maximum temperature at 41.6 deg C, eight deg C above normal while Bhunter and Dharamsala recorded a high of 38.2 deg C and 37.3 deg C, 5.5 deg C above normal.
Nahan, Solan and Kalpa recorded maximum temperatures at 37.2 deg C, 36.0 and 26.2 deg C.
The minimum night temperatures also stayed above normal with Nahan and Dharamsala recording 27.3 deg C and 26.1 deg C, followed by Dharamsala and Una 23.1 deg C, four deg Cs above normal.
The weather remained dry in the region and the local MeT office has predicted dry weather across the state during next 48 hours.