Senior BJP leader Suresh Kumar today brought to the notice of the Assembly that messages were being circulated in the mobile messenger service WhatsApp about Maharashtra Ekikaran Samiti (MES) conference where they have expressed intention to hoist their flag in front of Suvarna Vidhana Soudha here.
Raising the issue, Kumar said "Whatsapp messages are being circulated with content about MES conference where they have expressed intention to hoist its flag in front of Suvarna Vidhana Soudha, (that houses state legislature) here."
He said Belgavi Mahanagara Palike Mayor was also part of this conference. "Why such things happen whenever session is organised here," he questioned.
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Members across party lines criticised MES's act. "This is a very serious issue. This is an insult to the state and government will have to take some serious action," they said.
Deputy Speaker Shivashankar Reddy, who was on the Chair too expressed similar sentiments, and asked Home Minister K J George to respond.
"The issue brought to the notice of the house by Suresh Kumar is serious. We will take strict action, we will not let anyone to defame the state," George said.
MES, which commands influence in Belagavi, has been fighting for the merger of the city with Maharashtra in the continuing decades old border dispute with Karnataka. Karnataka has maintained that Belagavi is part of the state and it was a closed chapter.