The Madras High Court today directed the Secretary of Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission 2014 to provide admission to a student who got 40 marks more after examination authorities agreed that four of his Plus Two mathematics answersheets of the board exam were missing.
Justice K K Sasidharan gave the directive on a petition by the father of the boy who was initially awarded 153 out of 200 marks in mathematcis but later given 193 after it was found four pages of his answersheets containing answers of 40 one mark questions were missing when he sought a revaluation.
Since the cut-off marks of the boy would go up consequent to the revised marks, the Secretary TNEA was directed to consider the fresh marks and allot a seat to the student within one week.
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Petitioner Ponnusamy had submitted that they were shocked to know his son got only 153 marks in maths though he had never scored below 190 in regular school examinations.
The Director of Examination said four papers of the student's answersheets were missing and based on the marks scored by the boy in the quarterly and half-yearly examination, he was being given full forty marks for the one mark questions.
The Judge said the boy should be given a seat in engineering at the Anna University according to his latest cut-off mark.