Mizoram Chief Secretary Lalmalsawma has issued a strong-worded Office Memorandum (OM) last evening asking all state government officials to take prompt action on communications received from elected representatives.
The OM was issued after Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla issued an order on March 24 last at the state Assembly to government employees to expeditiously comply with the requests made by MPs and state legislature.
The OM instructed that any communication received from the MPs and MLAs should be promptly attended, acknowledged within 15 days followed by a reply within the next 15 days.
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"Where the request cannot not be acceded to for any reason, grounds for not acceding to such request should be given," the OM said emphasising that a serious note would be taken on any violation of the instructions.
The copy of the OM was given to all the secretaries and heads of the departments, while the state Assembly secretariat also endorsed the copy to all 40 legislators.