While former chief minister Brig T Sailo was the first MLA to cast his vote, Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla, his cabinet colleagues and Assembly Speaker R Romawia were among those who cast their votes in the polls which began at 10 AM and ended at 5 PM, the sources said.
The officials said that the sealed ballot box would be kept inside a strong room in the Aizawl Treasury tonight before it would be brought to Delhi by flight tomorrow.
The value of the vote of each legislator in the state is eight and the total vote amounted to 320.
While the ruling Congress party, which has 32 legislators supported UPA nominee Pranab Mukherjee, opposition Mizo National Front (MNF) and the Mara Democratic Front (MDF) combine, the Mizoram People's Conference (MPC) and the Zoram Nationalist party (ZNP) MLAs supported Independent candidate P A Sangma.
The MNF-MDF combine has four MLAs while the MPC and the ZNP have two legislators each.
Two Members of parliament - C L Ruala Congress (Lok Sabha) and Lalhming Liana MNF (Rajya Sabha) reportedly cast their votes in Delhi.