Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today received support from eminent jurist and former Supreme Court Judge V R Krishna Iyer, who described him as a 'good candidate for Prime Ministership for the 2014 Lok Sabha polls.
Wishing Modi success, Iyer said he feels the Gujarat CM "has positive qualities of nationalism and comity of cosmic dimension."
"I take the view that we should not have nuclear power in India. Nuclear never and Solar ever is my policy. Japan, the victim of Tsunami of nuclear danger and earthquake has closed down its last nuclear project according to media reports.
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Modi stands for 'solar power', he said and pointed out that no other state has developed solar power on a grand scale as Gujarat has done.
Iyer recalled that Mahatma Gandhi and the Constitution are against alcoholism, a multiple evil and ruinous for Indians. "The only state which insists on prohibition and has put it into practice is Modi's Gujarat," he said in a statement.
"So far as I can gather corruption in public life has been eliminated in Gujarat.
Iyer said that Modi's integrity as a man deserves great praise. "On the whole his administration deserves national support and so I wish him the rare opportunity to be Prime Minister, who will implement the great principle of Swaraj and eradicate poverty, he said.
"I am a socialist by conviction and support Modi on the assumption that he, too, is a socialist and an advocate of human rights and Indian fraternity, justice, social, economic and political of the Gandhian ethos," Iyer added.