Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday inaugurated Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show, where around 1,500 entities from India and abroad are participating. After inaugurating the trade show, Modi took a round of different pavilions at the trade show and interacted with businessmen.
Representatives of over 80 countries are also participating in the ‘Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show’ where more than 1.5 million people are expected to visit over the course of five days.
The show will have two parts — on January 10 and 11, there will be business seminars, and on January 12 and 13, the exhibition will be open for visitors.
The pavilions at the trade show which is being held at the exhibition ground here have companies from sectors like automobiles, agro and food, aerospace and defence, energy and petrochemicals, environment, health care, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, engineering and manufacturing, urban mobility and infrastructure, maritime, IT, ITES and financial services, and textiles.
In all, around 1,500 entities are participating in the show.
Some of the participants are ISRO, DRDO, Maruti, Tata, Ford, IT Department, Axis Bank, SBI, GIFT, GIDC, Civil Aviation Department Utra Tech.