Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said it was the duty of every Indian to repay the debt to “Mother India”. “Not only Modi, every child and citizen owes a debt to Mother India.... It is his duty to repay the debt whenever an opportunity arises,” Modi said, an indication that he was ready for a major national role ahead of the 2014 general elections. The politically loaded remarks came while he was responding to a statement by R P Gupta, an author, that Modi has repaid the debt to Gujarat and now is the time for him repay the debt to the country."
Modi, who was recently included in the Bharatiya Janata Party parliamentary board was speaking at a book release function. Many see Modi’s reinduction into the top party body as a prelude to his being formally nominated as its prime ministerial candidate. While addressing a small gathering of the members of Odisha Chamber of Commerce and Gujarat Chamber of Commerce, where he released the book Turn Around India-Through Inclusive Governance & Team Spirit edited by Gupta, Modi chose not to make any comment on Rahul Gandhi's speech at an industry body function in Delhi earlier in the day where Gandhi spoke about inclusive development.