Keen on boosting domestic manufacturing, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today promised to change laws and style of government functioning to create jobs and bring the derailed economy back on track.
Three months after launching the 'Make in India' campaign, he patiently heard industry leaders and government officials on impediments hindering the manufacturing sector and promised collective and transparent decision-making.
"In the last three months the government machinery has geared up, and is now ready to change... If we have to change laws, we are ready. If we have to change rules, we are ready. If we have to change system, we are ready," he said after the day-long workshop on the campaign.
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Stating that silos in government functioning have been demolished, Modi stressed on collective decision-making.
"Government is generally trapped in 'ABCD' culture from top to bottom.... A means Avoid, B-Bypass, C-Confuse, D-Delay. Our efforts is to move from this culture to 'ROAD' where R stands for Responsibility, O-Ownership, A-Accountability, D-Discipline. We are committed to moving towards this roadmap," he said.
He said human resource development, innovation and research should become a part of the government DNA.
Unveiling his vision for making India a manufacturing hub, he said: "Make in India will have to have a hash-tag of zero defect and zero effect on environment.
"We must look at how to develop Brand India globally... Unless it is there we will not be able to make a name for ourselves in the global market," he said.
Calling for a balanced development in the country, Modi said there should be maximum movement of man, material, money, machine and mineral across the country.
"During the day-long effort, responsibilities have been fixed, roadmap has been prepared, required changes in policies have been decided... Now I don't think there is any requirement for paperwork. Now, things will be implemented automatically," Modi said.