BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi sought blessings from his mother on his 64th birthday today and said the good wishes that he has received from common people will not go in vain.
Modi went to the house of his younger brother Pankaj Modi in Gandhinagar early this morning to seek blessings of his mother Hira Ba (94), who gifted him a book and some money.
"I came for my mother's blessings, there is no bigger privilege than that," Modi said.
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"Today is a day of dignity of labour and dignity of labourers -- Shrameva Jayate. And this is the biggest prayer to Bhagwan Vishwakarma. I extend greetings to all Vishwakarma devotees," Modi said
"Everyone has blessed me, and given love to me. I believe that people's blessings never go waste. That will give me strength, understanding and capability," the Gujarat Chief Minister said.
He also said that on this day Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel liberated Hyderabad from the Nizam's rule.
Modi also went to the house of former Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel to seek his blessings. Patel, who parted ways with BJP and formed his own party, greeted Modi.
Later, Modi went to his office and was engaged in routine work, officials said.