Pedro Yose Salvadar, arrested yesterday, was selling narcotic drugs to his known customers, which was supplied to him by a Mumbai-based person, police said in a statement, adding that 100 grams of cocaine, two mobile phones and Rs 500 cash were seized, totally worth Rs 3.5 lakh, from him.
The team also seized his passport.
He came to India in 2008 under the pretext of doing textile business in Delhi, Mumbai and other places. However, when he suffered heavy loss in the business, he resorted to drug peddling, the statement said.
In another incident, City Crime Branch sleuths of the Anti-drug and Narcotics wing, nabbed two persons for allegedly selling narcotic drugs from an apartment and confiscated drugs and other things including cash worth over Rs three lakh in all from them yeserday.
Police said 102 gms of cocaine, three mobile phones and a Rs 20,000 were seized from Ashley Brian D'Souza and U Kiran, both natives of Mangalore.