The Madhya Pradesh High Court today cancelled the order of the Assistant Registrar (Firms and Societies) that had declared the life membership of 20 people, including Union Minister and MPCA president Jyotiraditya Scindia, null and void.
"Justice Prakash Shrivastava's bench cancelled the Assistant Registrar's order that had declared Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association's (MPCA) life membership of Scindia and 19 others null and void," Advocate Ajay Bagadia told reporters.
The Assistant Registrar had issued the controversial order on July 27, 2012, he said.
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The petitions highlighted that the Assistant Registrar had taken a unilateral decision without giving an opportunity to Scindia and others to present their side of the matter, which is "wrong and illegal".
The Assistant Registrar had relied solely on senior MPCA member Leeladhar Paliwal's report which stated that the 20 people were allegedly granted life membership in violation of the MPCA's provisions.