Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan today said that his government was ready to provide land to foreign countries interested in opening their religious study centres at Sanchi University of Buddhist and Indic Studies in Raisen district.
"We want that different countries should come forward to open their study centres at Sanchi University spread over an area of 20 acres. The government will provide land to such countries," he said.
He was speaking at the concluding function of the three-day international conference on 'Harmony of Religions: Welfare of Mankind', organised by Sanchi University with the help of state government.
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Lobsangh Sangay, Prime Minister of Tibetan government in exile and spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar were also present at the function.
At the conference, 150-odd research papers, including 25 those of foreigners were presented.
Among others, spiritual leaders of US, Japan, China, Israel, Span, Britain, Thailand, Nepal and other countries participated at the conference.