Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav today floated the idea of forming a 'Maha Sangh' (Greater Union) comprising India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and asked BJP patriarch L K Advani to take initiative in this regard while taking a dig at him.
"You have not been made a minister. It does not matter. You should work for the Maha Sangh...You should make efforts," Yadav told 87-year-old Advani in Lok Sabha.
The SP leader made these comments while participating in a debate on the 119th Constitution Amendment Bill, which seeks to operationalise the 1974 India-Bangladesh Land Boundary agreement.
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Peoples of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have no difference and want to come together, he said, adding even former West Bengal Chief Minister Jyoti Basu was from Bangladesh.
"Only persons in the government are opposed to it...They are not ready for it," said the former Defence Minister.
"The Maha Sangh will make India a powerful nation," he said, adding that such country will also play a significant role in expanding trade, commerce and economy in the region for the benefit of the common people.
He cited the example of sports and wondered if any country would be able to defeat a combined cricket team of India and Pakistan.