Maharashtra's Akshay Mulik maintained his lead in two events at the Sanjay Kakade Group Gun for Glory shooting championship today while another host state shooter, Ashwini Lavand, managed to hold on to her lead in one group and losing out to Tamil Nadu shooters in another.
In the events held for shooters with no national ranking, Mulik maintained his lead in 10M pistol in the men's and juniors' events.
In the men's event, he was followed by Pawan Kumar Sharma and Maharashtra's Rajendra Bagul, while in the juniors', Nihal Panva and Shahbaz Kang were in second and third positions respectively.
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Ashwini had managed to hold on to her lead in the 10M rifle event for sub-junior girls. Navya Hans was second, while another State girl Yashika Vishwajeet was in third position.
Ashwini, however, lost her lead in the junior girls' 10M rifle event, falling to third spot.
Tamil Nadu's N Gayatri and M Trisha occupied the top two positions respectively.
Junior men's 10M rifle event was dominated by Maharahtra shooters, with Abhishek Bajage, Aniket Jagtap and Pranit Nalawade occupying the top three positions.
In the young women's 10M pistol event, Maharashtra girl Aboli Vyawhare was in the lead. Ragini Panwar was second while Pharnaz Vakil was third.
The event, in its third year, is hosted at the shooting range of the Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex at Mhalunge - Balewadi by Gagan Narang Sports Promotion Foundation for the National Rifle Association.