The measures by city police assume significance in the wake of the gangrape in Delhi that has shook the country and the Parliament.
In a meeting headed by Police Commissioner Satyapal Singh here, clear directives were issued that any crime against women should not be taken flippantly.
"For us, ensuring the safety of daughters, sisters and mothers in the city is most important thing," Singh said.
Also, since many of the police stations in the city have only two or three women constables, Singh has issued orders that at least five women constables should be there in a police station and their mobile numbers should be displayed so that victims can approach them without any hesitation.
As per statistics available with the city police on crime against women, 213 rape cases were registered in Mumbai this year against 215 last year while 141 kidnapping cases were registered this year against 165 last year.
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Six dowry cases were lodged this year while there were eight cases last year. Where as crimes such as enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal intent a married woman (IPC section 498) were 267 this year, it stood at 281 last year. There are 193 molestation cases this year against 160 last year.
Atleast 1,000 complaint boxes are installed at various police stations in the city as of now. Now, city police plans to increase it to 4000 by installing them at police chowkies, colleges, schools and various other places.
Deputy Police Commissioners have been told to personally look into the crimes against women and instructed to investigate the cases with IPC sections 354 (Assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) and 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) in time bound manner, Singh said.
Police stations have been asked to prepare a list of troublemakers in their jurisdictions and hold meetings with women associations.