Gujarat High Court today directed the Special Investigation Team to file its reply by May 24 on the bail petitions of two convicts who were awarded life sentence in the 2002 Naroda Patiya riot case by a trial court.
Justice A J Desai asked the SIT to file its reply by May 24 when the next hearing on the petitions seeking temporary bail has been fixed.
Pintu Jadeja and Vikram Rathod had been convicted and handed life sentence by the designated court of Jyotsna Yagnik last year for their involvement in the Naroda Patiya incident.
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96 people were killed when a violent mob attacked Naroda Patiya area on February 28, 2002 in the aftermath of the Godhra train burning incident.
Jadeja and Rathod have sought temporary bail for a period of five days for attending marriages in their respective families.
The high court had last month granted temporary relief of ten days to Jadeja for the treatment of his wife.
The designated court had convicted 32 persons, including former minister Maya Kodnani, once a close aide of chief minister Narendra Modi, and Bajrang Dal leader Babu Bajrangi, for their role in the crime.
The court handed imprisonment of 28 years to Kodnani and entire life for Bajrangi, while eight other accused were given jail term of 31 years each.
Besides, the court sentenced 22 convicts to imprisonment of 24 years and acquitted 29 others.